To be on Earth the Heart of God.
The Australian Council strives to realise Jules Chevalier’s vision for the lives of the Chevalier laity. Its evangelising mission is to support and encourage formation in the Spirituality of the Heart.
The Australian Council will support and encourage formation in Spirituality of the Heart through:
- Finding ways to reach out to individuals and groups with a background in, an experience of, or a desire for Spirituality of the Heart.
- Organising an annual retreat for the Australian Laity of the Chevalier Family as an opportunity to gather, build relationships, and offer ongoing formation.
- Developing a website and social media presence to provide online access to Spirituality of the Heart resources.
- Supporting Heartworks in its ongoing ministry to young adults.
- Developing pathways for young adults to participate in ongoing formation in Spirituality of the Heart.
- Developing a course aimed at young adults on a new vision for Christianity.
- Sponsoring identified young adult leaders to attend International Laity of the Chevalier Family gatherings.
- Exploring opportunities to have Spirituality of the Heart as part of professional training courses (e.g., aged care, prison ministry, and chaplaincy).
- Actively looking for opportunities to connect with the international Chevalier Family and to support the work of the International Council to build community.
The Australian Council will work with the Australian Provincial Councils, their committees, and the Chevalier Institute to achieve these goals.
Current members of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family (ACLCF).

Fred Stubenrauch
After completing his education at Chevalier College, Bowral, Fred trained as a Science and Maths teacher and after several years teaching in state schools he was fortunate to be employed at Chevalier College and taught there for several years. Fred realised that he wanted to be a more formal part of the MSC ministry, and he and his wife Susan became Lay MSC. They were both involved in an ‘immersion’ program to the MSC school, Chevalier College, Abemama Island, Kiribati. Over ten years they accompanied groups of young people on that program. After retirement Fred and Susan joined the community at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park where they lived for nine years and have returned on several occasions. Fred was chair of the MSC Lay and Professed Council, the steering committee to establish the Australian Council of LCF and chair of the Australian National Council of LCF. Participating in assemblies of Laity of the Chevalier Family in Santo Domingo and in Sao Paulo inspired Fred in the mission of Jules Chevalier.

Therese Poulton
(Deputy Chair)
Therese was introduced to the Spirituality of the Heart and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on arrival in Australia in 1958 by attending OLSH College at Kensington and residing in Mascot, where the OLSH Sisters were very much part of the Parish of St Therese. In 1979 Sisters Frances and Patricia Walsh introduced her to the Associates of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. An interesting fact is that Father Hartzer MSC (son of Marie Louise Hartzer) was brought back to Sydney from Thursday Island in 1885 for the opening of the new Parish of Botany (at the time, Mascot was part of that Parish). The Parish remained under the MSCs until 1907.
Therese attended International Meetings of the Laity of the Chevalier Family in the Dominican Republic in 2002 and Brazil in 2017. She participated in the last COR NOVUM Formation training held in Issoudun France in 2015. Therese is part of the OLSH Associates Leadership Team. She also was on the Chevalier Family National Council Steering Committee before accepting a position on the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.
Therese assists the OLSH Sisters with the Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart that is held weekly at the National Shrine Randwick. She also does French translations for the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.
Therese feels blessed to be part of a thriving worldwide movement of great promise and is passionate about furthering the mission of Jules Chevalier.

Chris McDermott
Chris has worked in Catholic Education for 30-plus years, with the last 15 years as principal of Chevalier College, Burradaoo NSW, retiring at the end of 2022. This was where Chris's journey with Jules Chevalier and his story commenced. Chris joined the Laity of the Chevalier Family in 2018 with a desire to assist, support and work towards a realisation of Jules Chevalier’s mission for our contemporary times. Chris is also the Asia Pacific Regional Coordinator for the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.

Aidan Johnson
Since completing high school at Chevalier College (MSC), Bowral, Aidan has remained heavily involved with the MSCs. Aidan established and runs the Heartworks MSC Young Adults Community, Douglas Park. Aidan has been a leader on student immersion trips to Chevalier College in Abemama, Kiribati and spent time training teachers in Kiribati with the Australian Catholic University and the Diocese of Wollongong. Aidan was on the MSC Lay and Professed Council and the Chevalier Family National Council Steering Committee before accepting a position on the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. Aidan is passionate about the environment and education and works as a high school science teacher.

Clare Johnson
Clare encountered Spirituality of the Heart at Heartworks MSC Young Adults Community (Douglas Park) in 2018 and it felt like coming home. Everything clicked into place after choosing to live as the embodiment of God’s love.
Since then, Clare has attended mass at Chevalier Family parishes and participated in and run Chevalier Family retreats and gatherings. Clare completed the Spirituality of the Heart formation course and graduated with a Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies as part of the Leadership for Mission program (Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Australian Catholic University, Catholic Mission).
Clare’s commitment to ongoing spiritual formation and a passion for communicating Spirituality of the Heart led to membership in the Australian Council for the Laity of the Chevalier Family. Clare, with her husband, Aidan Johnson, coordinates the communication and outreach of the Australian Council, including the website, newsletters, and social media profiles.

Ellenmary Lomman
Ellenmary's schooling at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Enfield, introduced Ellenmary's family to Jules Chevalier’s Spirituality of the Heart, Chevalier’s veneration of Mary, as Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and Marie Louise Hartzer, the first Congregational Leader of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
Since leaving school, Ellenmary has belonged to OLSH, Enfield Old Scholars. Ellenmary joined the OLSH Associates group, Enfield, in 1999, and the commitment was made in March 2000. Ellenmary attended the International Meeting of the Laity of the Chevalier Family in Brazil in 2017. Ellenmary has been on the OLSH Associates Leadership Team since 2017 and has been an Australian Laity of the Chevalier Family Council member since September 2019.
After retiring, Ellenmary has been more involved in pastoral care. Ellenmary is a Spiritual Director, with qualifications in Theology, Ministry and Spiritual Direction.
Ellenmary is married with three sons and a daughter, and four grandchildren. They love nature and are committed to caring for all creation.

Kerrie Wehbe
Kerrie works part-time in Mission with the OLSH Sisters at Kensington in Sydney, and is also a secondary school teacher (English, ESL, Music and Religious Education) and a registered nurse. She has been a member of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family since 2021. Kerrie has taught in both MSC and OLSH schools in Papua New Guinea and Kiribati, and in Catholic and public schools in Western Sydney. As a nurse, she has worked in operating theatres and, more recently during the COVID-19 pandemic in immunisation. She sees Spirituality of the Heart, as lived by Fr Chevalier and the wider Chevalier family, as a life’s work: to explore the depth of God’s love revealed in the person, the heart, of Jesus, and what that means for us in our lives and our relationships with others.

Lee Toll
Over the years, Lee has been involved in various ministries with the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, including teaching in the Northern Territory, Nauru, and several other schools within Australia. Her final posting was to OLSH College, Bentleigh, where, after retiring from teaching in 2011, she has been working in the Archives Departments, both at the Bentleigh College and with the Sisters in the Provincialate in Kensington, New South Wales.
Lee also has a great passion for social justice, volunteering for many years at the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry in Melbourne, as well as being involved as a member of the Pax Christi Organisation and Amnesty International. She supports the call for justice for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in whatever possible way. Lee is also a member of the Laudato Si Steering Committee with the OLSH Sisters.

Narita Perrotta
Narita has been involved with MSC parishes in Adelaide since 2004. She is currently on the MSC Parishes Committee and MSC Mission Formation Team and led her parish, Sacred Heart Parish Hindmarsh-Findon, through the exit of MSC from parish administration.
Narita has a Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies and Leadership and Catholic Culture and is currently undertaking her thesis to gain her Masters in Theological Studies by the end of 2023.
Working as a Pastoral Care Worker (Chaplain) at Calvary Adelaide Hospital enables Narita to support patients and their families, through some of the most challenging times in their lives, by living through the heart of Jesus. Spirituality of the Heart seems simple enough in theory, but it is a way of living that requires dedication and determination.
Narita is happily married to Nat, recently celebrating their 25th Anniversary, with four young adult and teen children and one grandson, all from whom she learns something new every day.

Paul Compton
Paul grew up in Randwick, an MSC parish. He initially studied to be an MSC priest, firstly in the school and then novitiate at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, followed by first vows and then three years studying philosophy at the MSC seminary in Canberra. He decided not to take final vows and went on to a career in medical research and later academic computer science. Along with his wife Therese, he has remained closely involved with the MSC, including the start of the Lay MSC movement in the 1970s, serving on the MSC Parishes Committee, and forming this Council. He is a parishioner at St Brigid’s Coogee, an MSC parish, where he and Therese are involved in the RCIA program. Paul’s two sisters, Caroline (deceased) and Pauline, became Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

Sandy Abbey
Sandy's connection to the Chevalier Family goes back to his days studying at UNSW where he got to know the MSCs at Randwick. He spent time in formation with the MSCs and considers this experience highly transformative in his sense of vocation, mission, and relationship with God. Sandy has experience serving on parish and diocesan councils and is passionate about faith formation... and the Sydney Swans. He lives with his family in Mudgee NSW where he is the Leader of Mission at St Matthews Catholic School. Sandy aims to live the motto "to be on earth the heart of God" each day (some days more successfully than others).
Previous members of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family (ACLCF).
- Anne Marmion (2019-2022)
- Jennie Missen (2019-2022)
- Margaret Donohoe (2019-2023)
- Tom Hodgson (2019-2022)
Members of the Laity of the Chevalier Family National Council Steering Committee (2017-2019).
- Fred Stubenrauch (Chair)
- Aidan Johnson
- Ellenmary Loman
- Jan Clarke
- Jenny Missen
- Paul Compton
- Paul Stinson
- Therese Poulton
Spiritual Companion
Current Spiritual Companion of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family (ACLCF).

Michael Fallon, MSC
Michael Fallon began contact with what was to become the Australian Laity of the Chevalier Family in 1972 when he took up the chaplain position at the University of New South Wales. The history of this movement is detailed in 'A Vision Restored: Lay MSC in Australia' (by James Littleton, 2018). Several small communities sprang up in Sydney. They would frequently celebrate Mass in one of the homes and often (most years) would gather at St Mary's Towers, Douglas Park. On one occasion, they had a 10-day retreat that created a kind of Lay MSC Constitution.
Michael lost contact with the groups when he left the University, though a number of those in the original groups are still in touch. From the beginning, the focus was on mission: 'How do we open our hearts to the love in the Heart of Jesus for us?' and 'How do we encourage others to live out their mission in their daily lives?'.
Michael is looking forward to experiencing a deeper connection with the Laity of the Chevalier Family now that he is retired (85+).
Previous Spiritual Companions of the Australian Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family (ACLCF).
- Peter Carrol, MSC (2019-2022)
Key Documents
General Guiding Principles and Statutes Of The Laity Of The Chevalier Family (22 July 2017)
National Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family Australian Guidelines (22 June 2022)
Spiritual Companion - Role and Replacement Process (20 September 2022)
Steering Committee Proposal for the Establishment and Operation of the National Council (16 March 2019)