Lay MSC (MSC Associates)
The Second Vatican Council inspired the Chevalier congregations to revisit Father Jules Chevalier’s vision for the laity to sit alongside the professed. The first formal involvement of the laity associated with the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) emerged in the 1970s.
Read more in Father James (Jim) Littleton MSC's book, A Vision Restored: Lay MSC in Australia.
The brief timeline of the Australian Lay MSC (initially known as MSC Associates) is devised from this book.

Brief Timeline
Australian MSC Provincial Chapter Acceptance
The Australian MSC Provincial Chapter accepts the desirability of having MSC Associates and begins exploring what that could look like.
(Pages 6-7)
Albert Yelds and the Sacred Heart Family
The 'Sacred Heart Family' started by Fr Albert Yelds MSC comprised several thousand people (in over 100 Australian towns) who practised a traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart. They prayed daily to the Sacred Heart, committed themselves to at least one hour of prayer each month, and kept in touch with Fr Yelds via a 6-monthly newsletter. They did not consider themselves specifically as MSC Associates, but the members called themselves 'Sacred Heart' people.
(Page 12)
MSC Associate Membership Defined
The MSC Provincial defined MSC Associates as:
- Those who live in an MSC community.
- Those who work with the MSC in one of our ministries, such as lay teachers in MSC schools or lay missionaries in MSC missions.
- Those who wished to deepen their spiritual life by sharing in the MSC charism and spirituality.
(Page 7)
Michael Fallon and the Sydney MSC Associates
The Sydney MSC Associate movement began with the University of NSW chaplaincy of Fr Michael Fallon MSC (and his predecessor Fr John King MSC), who drew young people towards living the MSC charism and spirituality. They gathered for mass, retreats, meetings, and social justice missions.
(Pages 7-11)
Jim Littleton and the Canberra MSC Associates
The Canberra MSC Associate movement began with Fr Jim Littleton MSC, as the Principal of Daramalan College (1971-1979) and Superior of the MSC Community (1971-1976), offering a prayer group to deepen lay people's spirituality.
(Page 11)
MSC General Chapter Meeting (Rome)
The international MSC leadership allowed local MSC Provincials to continue exploring MSC Associates. Australia and France were leading the way.
(Pages 13-14)
Australian MSC Provincial Endorsement
The Australian MSC Provincial endorsed the Lay Associate Movement and formed a commission to develop the MSC Associate concept and the principles of association. Instead of beginning with formal rules and other structures, a flexible approach was adopted.
(Pages 14-15)
Australian MSC Provincial Acceptance
Fr Michael Fallon MSC presented a seven-page paper on the MSC Associates. Acceptance of the MSC Associates was formalised in the Australian MSC Chapter Acts (Appendix III).
(Pages 16-17)
MSC General Chapter Meeting (Rome)
The international MSC General Chapter approved the third set of MSC Constitutions, which had been revised in the light of the charism of the MSC Founder, as directed by the Second Vatican Council. In this MSC Constitution, reference to the MSC laity was restored.
(Pages 17-18)
Australian Lay MSC Association Formalised
The Australian Lay MSC Association was formally established and Fr Michael Fallon MSC was appointed as the first Director.
The Commitment of Australian MSC Associates
The first commitment ceremony took place in Sydney for 11 people on 2 May 1981, with other groups (in Sydney, Douglas Park, Croydon Monastery, Daramalan, Downlands, and Chevalier) soon following.
(Pages 19-21)
Student Australian MSC Associates
Paul Brooks initiated Year 11 and 12 student MSC Associates at Downlands College. They made a
commitment similar to the adults and met for Sunday night prayer, Holy Hours, prayers, and reflections.
(Page 21)
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
Pat Austin initiated MSC Associates at Monivae
College. Brisbane and Toowomba MSC Associates formed, meeting at Downlands College.
New Director of Lay MSC Association
Harvey Edmiston (Deputy Provincial) replaced Michael Fallon as Director of the Lay MSC Association. Committed to forming and organising the MSC Associates, Harvey produced a brochure to explain the Lay MSC Association, guidelines for its operation, and a document for Associates who lived in a professed MSC community. He initiated the practice of giving new MSC Associates an MSC prayer book and badge and took the time to visit the different MSC Associate groups.
Lay MSC Association Newsletter Launched
The Lay MSC Association Newsletter was published four times a year with four sections: news about MSC Associates; news about
professed MSC in Australia and elsewhere; comments on MSC spirituality; prayers, and methods of prayer.
(Pages 22-24)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Pages 24-25)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Page 25)
First Australian MSC Associates National Assembly
(Pages 27-29)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Page 29)
New Director of Lay MSC Associates
(Pages 29-31)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Pages 31-32)
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
(Pages 32-33)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
Australian MSC Provincial Meeting
(Pages 33-37)
MSC General Chapter Meeting
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
(Pages 37-39)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Pages 39-40)
First International MSC Associates Meeting
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
(Pages 40-43)
Australian MSC Associates Across the Country
(Pages 43-45)
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
(Pages 45-46)
Second Australian MSC Associates National Assembly
Australian MSC Provincial Meeting
Australian MSC Associates Across The Country
(Pages 47-50)
Second International Lay MSC Meeting
MSC Associates Become Lay MSC
The MSC Associate title was changed to Lay MSC at the International Meeting.
MSC General Chapter Meeting
Collaboration with OLSH Associates
(Pages 19, 50-53)
International Lay MSC Coordination Commenced
(Pages 54-55)
Australian Lay MSC Across The Country
(Pages 19, 50-53)
Australian Lay MSC
(Pages 57-58)
Australian Lay MSC Across The Country
(Pages 58-60)
Australian Lay MSC
Numurkah Group
150-Year Anniversary of MSC Foundation
Australian MSC Provincial Meeting
(Pages 61-67)
Australian Lay MSC Across The Country
(Pages 58-60)
Australian Lay MSC
(Pages 67-68)
Death of Fr Jules Chevalier
(Pages 65-66)
Third International Lay MSC Meeting
(Pages 69-70)
MSC Lay and Professed Council
(Pages 71-73)
MSC General Chapter Meeting
(Pages 74-75)
Australian Lay MSC Retreat
(Pages 76-77)
Young Adult Ministry Coordinators
Chevalier Resource Centre Seminar
(Pages 74-75)
Spirituality of the Heart Online Formation Course
Chevalier Institute
(Page 77)
Australian Lay MSC National Gathering
One Heart - Many Bodies
(Pages 77-81)
Lay MSC Affirmation From Pope Francis
"May your common life be marked by true fraternity, which welcomes diversity and values the gifts of all. Do not hesitate to continue and expand your communion with the lay people who participate in your apostolate. Let them share in your ideals and projects and the rich spirituality arising from your institute’s charism. With them, and with the Sisters in your female congregations, you will form an ever greater and stronger charismatic family, one that will better demonstrate the vitality and relevance of your Founders charism."
Third International Gathering of the Laity of the Chevalier Family
(Pages 82-84)
Australian Lay MSC Across The Country
(Pages 85-86)